Wood Stove


Elena Report-Nikopol, Ukraine

Elena Report-Nikopol, Ukraine

Elena Report-Nikopol, Ukraine This is Vova he is from Nikopol. His house was damaged because of shell and the heating system was destroyed. Hi and his wife were sleeping in coats to stay warm in their own home. Thanks to your help and support they will be warm. Thank...

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Elena Report-Nikopol, Ukraine

Elena Report-Nikopol, Ukraine

Elena Report-Nikopol, Ukraine This Evgeney. He lives in Nikopol, he doesn’t have any kind of heating system in the house but now thank to this stove he won’t be cold any more. Thank you so much! Our funding has been running low. Please help this project continue. If...

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Elena Report-Nikopol, Ukraine

Elena Report-Nikopol, Ukraine

Elena Report-Nikopol, Ukraine This is Anthonena.  She is the lonely woman who lives in the house with no heating at all. She is 89 years old. When we installed her the stove, she said that now she don’t even want to die. Because of the cold, which he she had in her...

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Elena Report-Nikopol Report

Elena Report-Nikopol Report

Elena Report-Nikopol, Ukraine This is Ivan, he is from Kapulevka village. He and his wife can’t sleep at night in their house because of high threat of shelling. They are sleeping in the basement and thank to the stove they won’t be  cold there anymore.

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Elena Report-Nikopol, Ukraine

Elena Report-Nikopol, Ukraine

Elena Report-Nikopol, Ukraine This is Vera, she’s from Nikopol. She’s a single mom, because of war she lost her job and her heating system was cut off, because she couldn’t pay bills. Since the beginning of the winter day it was very cold in their house.

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Elena Report-Nikopol, Ukraine

Elena Report-Nikopol, Ukraine

Elena Report-Nikopol, Ukraine This is Galena. She lives alone and because of the shell which destroyed her heating system. She doesn’t have heat in her house. She’s 85 years old and she said that it’s very important for her that now she will be warm. Thank you so much...

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Elena Report-Nikopol, Ukraine

Elena Report-Nikopol, Ukraine

Elena Report-Nikopol, Ukraine This family is from Pokrov. They had to move to this small city because their house in Nikopol was destroyed through the shelling. The only house they could find doesn’t have any heating and light. They have two children, one of them is...

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Elena Report-Nikopol, Ukraine

Elena Report-Nikopol, Ukraine

Elena Report-Nikopol, Ukraine This is Oksana. She lives in a village Kapulevka with her family. For three times already their house was shelled, their house locates very close to the seashore, and because of the danger of shells they can’t stay at night in the house....

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